Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Self Confidence

Putting your trust in someone else's hands is one thing that many people would not dare risking. However, many are pretty confident that things would work well when done by other people.

These are two very opposite beliefs that man has to struggle through. There are of course pros and cons to these as much as there will always be negative and positive aspects in every choice. The key here is to hit the balance somewhere.

In this article, we will try to focus more on the dangers and the potential harm of trusting your build-up of self-confidence on another person's care.

Most people have the tendency of only having their self-confidence once someone has noticed his capacities of doing things. Though many might benefit from this perspective, we still cannot negate the truth that we humans are much too obsessed within ourselves that we somehow forget to look at another person's beauty specially when that person is not much of a public figure.

And besides, we all have our own struggles to deal with that pondering over other people's capabilities are somewhat set in the back of our minds.

If people don't notice you, it doesn't mean that you have no talents nor you don't add up to the joy of the world. It only means that they are too busy within themselves. Their attention must never be your basis of gaining your self-confidence.

We all have encountered the adage- misery loves company. This is true, troubles would yet find another trouble just to things even up. You cannot build solid grounds for your self-confidence when all the while the person you are talking to is also expressing how low his self-confidence is. You may cheer up each other at times but this is not usually the case. Be sure that when you open your mouth, the other person would only absorb and trash your miseries away and leave you a much better person than you are now.

There are people who seem to have taken the charge of inflicting other people with negative thoughts. These are those who can sleep only after having thought of a better idea to cause a person his downfall. Such people would definitely do you no good. They neither would help you build your self-confidence nor would they even care for you're over all welfare. At the outset, they may show as the most loving persons that you'll ever meet. But beware. They're not there to give you joy. They are there to pull you anywhere but up.

Assure to it that you stay away from such people. There is no basic rule for identifying them, you just have to use your best judgment.

How many times has it been true that a prejudiced judgments would do nothing but to spoil your belief in yourself? Most parents do biased judgments on their children. Sure, they love them and only want the best things for them. There is no harm on this but once they have stepped beyond the line of being healthy advisers, it would time to hesitate and evaluate fully what truly is at hand.

Giving your child with biased opinions is like coercing him into his actual object of fear. There are better ways than making false words just to encourage your child especially when the world says otherwise.